Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Assessments

COSHH assessments are required by law for possession or use of substances, on a project or site, that are hazardous to health and employers are required to control substances and prevent exposure. As your appointed competent consultant, Innovatus Safety will undertake and produce a project specific COSHH assessment; detailing risk and causes of harm from
Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is key to continued success for all businesses. In the sectors we offer our services to, quality assurance is a requirement for reputation, continued growth and confidence in quality of work. Innovatus Safety produces bespoke quality policies for our clients, where quality planning, quality control and continuous improvement are considered.
Pre-qualification, Subcontractor and Industry Accreditation Questionnaires

Innovatus Safety supports clients through PQQ and subcontractor questionnaires. Our experience of working with large national contractors and expertise of collating and preparing information for PQQs allows our clients to succeed with being added to tender lists. Innovatus Safety’s consultant will complete industry accreditation on the behalf of our clients, saving time and resource. We